Lopane s.n.c.

Via Angelo Bizzozzero, 91
20032 Cormano (Milano) Italy
Tel +39 02 6151039
Fax +39 02 66301736 
Mail: info@lopane.it

Being able to create something beautiful gives an enormous satisfaction, as a sort of endless fluel. This is the way we fluel our passion. Thanks to our devotion and professionality and the co-operation with Lineup Solution Consulting and Training Service to car restoration centres, we are able to pass our professionality, work development and workshop organisation methods, through stages, workshops, demonstrations and tutorials.

Work with us: send your CV to info@lopane.it



Via Angelo Bizzozzero, 91, 20032 Cormano (Milano) Italy
Tel +39 02 6151039
Fax +39 02 66301736

Copyright © 2015 | Lopane s.n.c.  | p.i./c.f.  07302540963 | Via Bizzozzero 91, Cormano | Mi | Italy | WebMaster BG | Design Arianna Miglietta